Faculty of Parapsychology
The Faculty of Parapsychology is engaged in the training, development and research of phenomenal human abilities, for example:
Faculty of Parapsychology and Ability Development at E-TERRA

The Faculty of Parapsychology and Ability Development at E-TERRA was created to help people develop their psychic abilities. Each person is unique, and developing abilities such as clairvoyance, astral projection, mediumship, and healing requires considerable effort and daily self-work.

Students at the Faculty of Parapsychology at E-TERRA not only attend classes but also participate in group practices aimed at developing skills in reading and interacting at a distance (empathy, clairvoyance, etc.). These practices help lay the foundation for future abilities and provide opportunities for their further development.

General Conditions for Learning

Apart from the basic indicators in the natal chart, applicants should have good health and strong willpower. Weak individuals are not able to endure the period of ability development, often due to a lack of willpower. It should be emphasized that it is not possible to develop abilities while sitting on the sofa.

E-TERRA takes the development of students’ abilities very seriously. Students who do not want to work on themselves and make the necessary efforts are expelled.

Development of Psychic Abilities

Developing unique talents and psychic abilities requires self-discipline and a strong desire. It is necessary to be prepared to:
  • Engage in ongoing practical assignments
  • Find a personal place of strength
  • Develop concentration
  • Allocate an hour a day for practice
  • Maintain a stable psyche and good health
  • Cultivate willpower
Parapsychology training at E-TERRA is combined with the study of anomalous phenomena. During their studies, students explore anomalies related to time periods and geopathogenic zones. They participate in field research workshops, visiting anomalous sites. In a camping environment, students learn how to identify and investigate these areas. More information can be found in the programme of study.

Anomalies are processes unknown to science that change or distort matter and interact with the matter we are accustomed to. Anomalies have always existed on our planet, and history knows many examples of such phenomena. In ancient times, places of accumulated certain energies, which manifested as anomalous, were often chosen for building kapis, shrines, and other religious structures.
Faculty of Parapsychology at E-Terra Centre

Faculty of Parapsychology at the E-TERRA offers a unique opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills in the field of parapsychology and to develop their psychic talents. Over the past decades, parapsychology has become a popular and actively researched scientific discipline.

One of the key advantages of the parapsychology department at E-Terra is its practical focus. Students participate in real research and experiments, which helps them to better understand and evaluate various parapsychological phenomena.

Training Programme
The training at the Faculty lasts for 2 years and is divided into two courses:

First Course:
This course is devoted to the study of astrology. During the academic year, students study applied astrology from beginner to advanced levels, which helps them to better understand parapsychology.

Second Course:
This course focuses on the study of parapsychology, extrasensory perception, mediumship, clairvoyance, and other disciplines. At the end of the course, students are prepared to defend their diploma and receive a speciality in astrologer-parapsychologist, parapsychologist, or chiromancer (at their choice). The list of specialities is approved by the UN International Convention.
It should be emphasized that aptitude practices start from the 4th-5th month in the 1st year of the course.

It should be emphasized that

The study of astrology, parapsychology, or the development of psychic abilities does not mean that students will study vulgar magic or occultism (see Programme of Study). E-TERRA does not teach ‘curses,’ spoils, talismans, or other subjects that are not directly related to ability development, parapsychology, or esotericism.

All students in the programme primarily work on themselves, learning to develop paranormal abilities such as mediumship or communication with the dead, chiromancy, physiognomy, reading people, empathy, Tarot Card and much more.