E-TERRA. docs

Sihi Renata AFA, PA, SPR.

Founder and Executive Director of the International Institute of Applied Astrology, Parapsychology and Research of Anomalous Phenomena "E-TERRA". Kabbalist, member of the American Federation of Astrologers AFA, English Association of Parapsychologists PA. Professional specialist in the field of development of human psychic abilities, parapsychology and astrology.
Short biography
Renata Sihi was born on August 3, 1978. She lives in Ukraine, in the city of Mykolaiv. From early childhood Renata had psychic abilities, in particular clairvoyance, conscious going into the astral, healing. Representative of the philosophical school of idealism and metaphysics. As she grew older, Renata Sigi's abilities intensified, leading to an early private practice. Beginning at the age of seventeen, Renata showed an active participation in receiving clients. At the age of eighteen, an interest in astrology became apparent. From this time on, the professional study of astrology began. The exploration and development of psychic abilities in others, the idea of transforming the world into a better manifestation of it served as one of the main fundamental principles of the birth of E-TERRA in the future.
Rebooting Astrology
Long years of work on the study and research of astrology, was accompanied by the formation of an extensive database of astrological data. Analysis and systematization of astrological data did not correspond to the generally accepted knowledge about characterization and interpretation of astrological planets and astrology as a whole. Further work in the field of astrology required a change in the approach of interpretation and professional building of a system of competent astrological analysis of a person's natal chart.

"It is impossible to consider a person's natal chart, analyze the position of planets, astrological aspects without considering the person as a whole personality." - Renata Sigi.
Further work led to the formation of a new astrological discipline, Applied Astrology.

The main emphasis in the study of applied astrology is on the ability to use astrology practical, applying the knowledge of applied astrology in medicine (astro-medicine), formation of psychological portrait, forensics, profiling, social statistics, school education, vocational guidance, personal development. Applied astrology served as a beginning to a deeper comprehension and understanding of a person as a personality, which deserves separate attention.


One of the main achievements of improvement of astrology as a science (considering in the context of applied astrology), is the possibility to define and foresee in a person criminal inclinations, which are dictated by psychiatric / drug factors (violence, pedophilia, murder), antisocial inclinations, which will undoubtedly be useful in profiling and forensic analysis.

A second example of the usefulness of applied astrology may be in predicting patterns of personal behavior under certain provoking circumstances. In this way, the astrologer understands that the influence of some provoking factor triggers a predetermined behavioral pattern in the individual.

School education

The functioning of applied astrology shows itself perfectly when it is used in secondary schools by staff psychologists. It gives new tools for school psychologist to work with children. The use of applied astrology as a tool of personal analysis allows the psychologist to understand better the individual pupil, to carry out psychological diagnostics, correction, to determine professional orientation, to form groups of first-graders.

It should be emphasized that applied astrology in educational institutions, allows to determine the individual personal talents of the student.

Personal development

One of the main advantages of applied astrology is the key to personal development. In his practice, the astrologer pays special attention to such phenomena as vices and negative qualities of a person. By working on working through negative qualities, the astrologer can achieve impressive results in working with a person. Natal chart through the eyes of an applied astrologer is a key to the utilization of a person's own forces on the path of personal development. The analysis of the results allows to assert with certainty that the development of a person reaches the level of self-actualization.


Developing psychic abilities Renata Sihi has developed her own system of training and development of abilities in a person. The key idea is that every person is capable of developing psychic perception, given a certain psycho-physiological preparation. The key result of preparation, is definition of unique ability at the individual, for example, to carry out clairvoyance, search of missing people, to treat, to calculate among group of people the necessary person, on predetermined conditions, non-contact fight, astral projection with further development of key ability. For a more competent presentation, it is necessary to add examples in which extrasensory perception has proved itself remarkably well:


In criminalistics an individual possessing developed psychic abilities is able to calculate a criminal considerably quickly, to read the conditions of a crime or death, to describe the appearance and basic indicative signs of a person who committed a crime, to assist in the search for a missing person, to calculate a criminal from a group of people. Identify the location of certain crime tools, the location of the perpetrator or criminal group.

Social and domestic issues

Ability to assist a person in private practice, using clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, healing. Prevent suicide, accident or death of a person.


Twenty years of research, correction and refinement of the methodology for the development of psychic abilities in man, has allowed Renata Sigi to develop certain specifics in the preparation of the individual. Thanks to this, the use of certain techniques and methods bring the development of abilities to a higher level. This allows for the training and development of psychic abilities in face-to-face group work and on-site trainings for people who are related to different structures that interact with people. Thus it should be emphasized that the development of individual talents of psychic perception, for each individual case is definitely beneficial.

The International Institute of Applied Astrology, Parapsychology and Anomalous Phenomena Research "E-Terra" is an educational institution that specializes in developing psychic abilities in humans, identifying and developing unique, individual talents in the field of parapsychology. The main key areas of focus at E-Terra are research, development and training. E-Terra embodies all of the above information by educating every willing individual. Embodying the basic idea of "transforming the world into a better manifestation of it" E-Terra strives to unlock and realize human potential to the maximum!